Where do you fit?

There is a place on board for everyone.

Captain, chief, second and third mates make up the officers on board. Three deck hands also help with operations and watch keeping

  • Master II/2
  • Chief Mate II/2
  • Able Seafarer Deck II/5

I wasn’t youthful and didn’t have a mission, but somehow the staff of YWAM Ships found a way for me to fit in to their organization. Whatever your experience, skills, or talents are, YWAM can find a way to put them to a higher purpose

- CAPtain ron bockhold

Outreach Details

We are so excited you are joining us for an outreach in Papua New Guinea! The following information will give you an understanding of outreaches on board our vessel.

Living on board

Life on board a ship is a lot of fun. Living in close community will be a new experience for some and we invite everyone to work together to make it an enjoyable experience. Here’s more information about what life aboard a ship looks like:

It’s wonderful to work with a ministry associated with young people and to watch them serve God so passionately. And, from a personal standpoint, I don’t see anything in the Bible about retirement. We should use our skills to serve God however we can until He calls us home.

Captain John McDonnell - USA

Outreach Cost

For current outreach pricing and available dates please contact us at: medicalvolunteers@ywamships.net

Have questions? Let's talk!

Our registrar team is available to help you along the way, and answer any questions you may have. Email us at join-us@ywamships.net or check out the volunteers FAQs.

Ready to make a difference?