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Update #3 – YWAM Benin Team Bus Accident

November 3, 2024
(Current as of Nov 3, 2024, 6:00 AM HST) With great sadness and heavy hearts, we report the passing of Jean Serge Mienahou, who was working with YWAM in Congo Brazzaville. The bus he was riding in was involved in a multi-vehicle accident near the town of Badagry while returning from a YWAM gathering. Family and friends have been notified, and memorial arrangements are underway. Urgent prayer is needed for the injured. Tchando Matthieu from Benin is in critical condition with severe injuries. Tomsuwa Cosme from Togo had injuries, but his condition has been downgraded to stable. Evariste Gbejihounde from Benin was hospitalized for two broken ribs. Some of the remaining passengers required minor treatment and ongoing medical diagnosis, but we are grateful that all others involved are safe and on their way home. Local YWAM leaders and friends have been ensuring access to quality care and supporting family and...
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Update #2 – YWAM Benin Team Bus Accident

November 2, 2024
(Current as of Nov 2, 2024, 4:00 PM HST) A YWAM team was returning from a regional gathering to Benin when they were involved in a multi-vehicle accident near Badagry.  There were 15 people involved.  Our hearts are filled with sorrow to report one fatality.  We cannot release the name of the individual because it is late at night, and family members are still being notified.  Two are injured and in critical condition.  Every effort is being made to ensure their access to the best medical care available.  Please pray as an ambulance is being sourced to transport them to a better facility nearby. We are grateful that everyone else on the team is safe and returning to Benin.   For media inquiries, reach out to
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BREAKING NEWS – YWAM Benin Team Bus Accident

November 2, 2024
(Current as of Nov 2, 2024, 2:25 PM HST) A bus accident with four vehicles has occurred between Lagos and the border of Benin. The incident involved 15 members of a YWAM team from Benin returning home from a regional gathering.  It is with great sadness we report one fatality and two injuries.  Please pray for the families as we contact next of kin.  When more information becomes available, another update will be made. Please pray for everyone involved. Our hearts go out to all those who are impacted. For media inquiries, reach out to
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YWAM Madang and YWAM Ships Kona Strengthens Medical Outreach in Papua New Guinea

October 16, 2024
Date: October 9, 2024 *Dr. Claudia Choy Reports on Productive Meetings with Local Medical Authorities* **Madang, Papua New Guinea** — This week, Dr. Claudia Choy, the medical coordinator for YWAM Ships Kona, along with her team (Lauryn Clark, nurse and medical team lead and Patricia Beltramini, field outreach strategy coordinator) convened with several key doctors and medical authorities in Madang to discuss the progress and future of YWAM’s medical operations in the province. For the past three years, these efforts have been pivotal in providing essential healthcare services to some remote regional locations. Dr. Martin Damien, the Director of Public Health Services and Madang Provincial Health Authority, expressed gratitude for the nearly 3,500 individuals who have received care from YWAM’s medical outreach efforts this year alone. These medical operations have transformed the health landscape and injected an estimated 550,000 PGK into the local economy over the past eight months. “The...
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