If you have ever been intrigued with the thought of serving on board a missionary ship as a seaman or engineer? YWAM Ships has a pathway of training that might fit you perfectly. The first step is to get into a Discipleship Training School (DTS) which is the pre-requisite training for serving anywhere world wide in YWAM. It consists of 3 months of lecture and 2 months of feild experience. Then once you have graduated move from there on to our School of Navigation and Seamanship. This is 6 months. 3 months in Orange County, then 3 months on board the Next Wave in Eruope. If you wish to go further and enter officer training you can continue on for an additional 6 months. The SONS course will equip you with the necessary skills to be deployed on board one of our vessels and immediately be put to work serving either in the deck or engineering departments. These two courses fit together and flow naturally from the DTS into the SONS.
Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!
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