Man in the Mirror

From the field

December 4, 2020

Eight days after arriving in Papua New Guinea our team felt led to go to one of the many local markets. We went and preached, then split up into smaller teams to walk around and pray. My friend Josh and I teamed up. We asked God to direct us to the people he wanted us to minister to.

We went around the market speaking to many people. As we were walking, I felt God nudging me towards a particular person. Josh and I went up to him. His name was John. Josh and I noticed his one eye was shut. He also had scarring on his face.

We offered to pray for his eye and he agreed. We bowed our heads in prayers and prayed for healing over this man. Afterward, we parted ways from him and went around the market once again. 

After about fifteen minutes we met John again. He  approached us and we noticed his eye was open! Praise God! 

John then began telling us his story. He told us how he had been attacked by a person with a knife. He had been badly cut and his tendons near his ankle had been so damaged that he could not walk. We found out that he had miraculously started walking again only one week before, after a pastor had ministered to him.

We asked him if we could pray for him again and he agreed. He told us that he had a tough time looking in the mirror because of the scars on his face. We thanked God for healing his eye and asked God to heal his scars, as well. After our prayer ended we saw the scarring on his face had vanished!

John then shared that he had been feeling low that day and had asked God to send someone to him. Well, God sent Josh and I! All glory to God!

Owen Dempster, DTS Alumni
YWAM Ships Kona

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