As my team and I walked through Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, we entered a particular settlement where we saw some women. We felt like the Lord wanted us to talk to them. As we approached them, I asked one of the women how her day was going. 

She replied with saying it wasn’t going very well. She was having a challenging day watching her sister’s children. When asked why she needed to take care of them if their mother was nearby, she explained that her sister had been bedridden for 10 years and needed assistance; even to walk to the bathroom.

We asked if we could pray for her. She seemed hesitant and we tried to reassure her.  “You don’t have to let us if you aren’t comfortable, but we believe that Jesus can heal her.” 

At this, she led us into their home. We saw her sister sitting on an elevated platform. After introducing ourselves, we asked if we could pray for her. She agreed and we prayed. We then asked how she was feeling. She seemed shocked that something had changed for her. 

“I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me!” she exclaimed.

We were encouraged and said, “Let’s pray again.” As we again prayed for her healing, tears welled up in her eyes. “I want to walk!” she said.

She shot up and declared, “I will meet you on the other side of the house,” and hurried out the back door. We made our way through the front door and met her as she looped around the house. Her whole was face lit up as she could now walk after 10 years!

“Let’s walk to the end of the driveway!” she exclaimed. 

My team and I were so excited she was healed but were concerned that she would fall over by doing too much too fast. We wanted to hold our hands out in caution. We tried to make sure she was ok, but realized she didn’t need assistance as she walked.

When we reached the end of the driveway, she confided in us about some of the inner struggles of the last 10 years. She poured out her feeling of loss, rejection, and how she felt like such a burden to her family. We prayed for inner healing and reminded her that God sees her and loves her. “You are loved and not rejected,” we prayed.

I was in awe of how good God is. Reflecting back on the experience, I still felt like the Lord would have healed her regardless if our team was there to pray for her. It was such a blessing for him to use us in that way. 

I felt that He wanted to show me His goodness and His character by letting me come along and partake in what He wanted to do. It was a beautiful opportunity and I encourage you to say ‘yes’ to the little things God tells you to do, because it could be a beautiful opportunity to see God work and end up being a gift to you as well.

Rebecca Chamberlain
Port YWAM Kona DTS Alumna

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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