Team Mazatlán: Sharing God’s Love

From the field

July 12, 2018

“During our first week of outreach, our team was staying on “Stone Island;” a small island outside of Mazatlán, Mexico. We had the opportunity to do a lot of evangelism in a very underdeveloped part of the town called La Colonia. 

The Lord lead us to this one house with an older lady outside. We explained that we believe in Jesus and the power of prayer. Immediately she went and got her son Edgar so we could pray for him.

He came out. Ashamed and hiding his face, his mother explained that he was an alcoholic and that his wife left him with his daughter. The mother began to tell us that she prays for her son every night and the night before we came, she prayed someone would come help him. 

Our team began to tell testimonies of their past addictions and sobriety. We shared about the hope we can find in Jesus. Even though we are weak in our sinful nature, God says his grace is sufficient to us and he is made perfect in our weakness. We can’t seem to break this bondage as addicts on our own, but God is powerful enough. 

AND GET THIS…  Edgar accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior that day! 

A week later we went back to visit Edgar to see how he was doing. He came to the gate with the biggest smile we had ever seen and told us to come inside. He explained how he had been sober for one week and has also been mending his relationship with his mother. 

It has been incredible to watch week by week as we go back and visit to see how Edgar is changing his community. He started going to church, preaching the Word of God on Facebook, and wants to start a group at his home for people dealing with additions. 

That’s one story of many things God is doing through our little team here. We are seeing lives transformed and communities changed in the name of Jesus!!”

Team Mazatlán
YWAM Ships Kona DTS

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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