I had just finished reading “Is That Really You God” by Loren Cunningham. It was our very first worship night in the YWAM family. As we were singing, in my mind’s eye, I could see us on a ship, worshipping on deck. All I saw were my feet in flip flops and the wooden deck of the ship. 

Twenty years later, we found ourselves as base leaders for YWAM Ships Outpost Panama. We had never really served on a ship in all those years. Over and over, though, we were being led to work with YWAM’s ship ministry. 

A few months prior to accepting the position to help pioneer this location, I had another time in prayer that was to prepare me to trust God in some hard life decisions we were about to have as a family. At the time we were serving with YWAM but not at a Ships location. In this vision, I saw myself walking on a path. The path began as a straight path and immediately took a sharp right turn onto a jungle trail, over a bridge, and into a village. 

I knew immediately that a change was about to take place in where we were serving. It wasn’t long before we were asked to lead this new base in the jungles of Panama. Wouldn’t you know, on my first trek in Panama, into the neighboring Ngobe village, the path was exactly like I had seen during prayer. 

We had been at Outpost Panama about six months when we got word that YWAM Mendocino was bringing us a vessel to reach the neighboring islands. When it arrived at our dock, the crew and our staff tied her up so I could jump on. 

As I swung my legs over the side of the boat and my feet hit the deck, I looked down and noticed I was standing on a wooden deck, in flip flops. Twenty years later the dream that God put in my heart was being fulfilled.

Holly Schmidt
YWAM Ships Kona

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