On our second week in Haiti, we went to a local park in the city where they play basketball and soccer. We’ve made it a point to go there consistently to build strong relationships.
When we arrived, it was pretty empty. There were a couple of guys shooting hoops so naturally, I ventured over there and asked if Charlie, one of my students, and I could play with them. We got into a pretty competitive game of two-on-two and before long, we were sweating and really enjoying ourselves. My team ended up winning and, little did I know, I’d be winning more than just a game of hoops that day!
We grabbed our water and sat in the shade while more people rolled up to play. The young Haitian that I played with spoke decent English so we chatted for a while before his brother showed. He kept telling me that his brother spoke very good English and that I need to talk to him. When he arrived, we got to talking and this is where it got interesting.
This guy introduced himself as June and asked me why we were there. I proceeded to tell him we were Christian missionaries and just wanted to build relationships with people. He went off about how he goes to mass every Sunday and prays every night but still practices voodoo and magic.

I was a bit stumped at where the conversation was going but thankfully God intervened and prompted me to share about the difference between a relationship we can have with Jesus and deceit that comes with magic. I told him that the Enemy comes to lie, steal, kill, and destroy while Jesus comes to bring truth, life, understanding, and love.
Things began to shift in our conversation and we asked him bluntly if he knew where he would go if he were to die today. I usually don’t take that path when I talk to people but this time it was the Lord prompting me. He shook his head, exclaiming that he was unsure and he began to explain how empty and alone he has felt for so long.
He then starts telling us a story of how the night before, he was praying and asking God for a sign that he was real. And the next day, there we were, 2 white guys playing basketball and talking about Jesus.
I told him that we were a sign that God hears him and loves him so much because how often do white people come to share Jesus at that park. His eyes were opened and, after 45 minutes, it clicked in his mind. He told us he wanted to receive Jesus in his heart right there!!
We led him in a prayer of salvation and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior!! We got his contact details and are helping him get involved with a church.
How amazing is our God?! Nothing is coincidence my friends. Nothing.
Daniel Sniadecki
DTS Team Haiti Co-Leader
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