“In a country full of challenges, it’s a true miracle!!”
Last October, 10,000 glasses and 3,000 sunglasses (3 pallets worth) were shipped from RestoringVision, in California, to Papua New Guinea to be distributed on outreach.
“About a month ago, it was discovered that we didn’t know where the glasses were. We had been emailing non-stop to find out where they were but with no response. We honestly thought they were lost!
We reached out to Jon Hausserman, who helps with our shipping and logistics, to see if he could help us. He connected with his contacts and heard back from them saying the 3 pallets were in Lae and would be shipped to Port Moresby, where the YWAM Liberty is docked.”
Lae is only a 3 day sail from Port Moresby.
As the days turned into weeks, there was still no sign of the glasses. The team was feeling defeated. Their supply of prescription glasses were getting low and outreach was approaching. What should have been a 3 day sail ended up taking about 6 weeks.
Recently, however, the ship arrived in Port Moresby with the 3 pallets on board!
One of the 3 pallets of glasses. The crew eagerly putting the boxes onboard.
“We finally got the glasses for the next outreaches. Yay!”
Thank you RestoringVision, Connie Kline for raising the necessary funds, and for all the donors for making this a reality!
Claudia ChoyMedical Coordinator with YWAM Ships Kona
To make a donation, click the link.
Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!
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