I remember so clearly when Jesus called me out of university to join YWAM (Youth With A Mission). I was two classes away from finishing my pre-medical degree with a focus in a chemistry. This degree would be useful for me to get accepted into medical school and from there to go straight into medical missions.
That was the goal.
However, I felt God say no. I was extremely confused because I assumed that was my calling, a “medical missionary.” People in my life had all sorts of opinions about this; that God was for school or against school, that it was a waste of time for me or the opposite and that it was dumb to leave with only two classes left.
But, I obeyed God and went on to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with YWAM.
I learned all about the character and nature of God, His Father heart, what evangelism looks like in a 9-5 job and how to trust Jesus with everything in my being. Beyond our lectures, I learned so many important life skills. I learned what it looks like to work with people of different backgrounds from all over the world, how to work in a team, how to pray and lean on God for understanding and to do what He asks me to do.
I learned what it meant to be a team player and not do everything on my own.
If I hadn’t obeyed God and completed my DTS, I would be without these skills and would be just another doctor in the workplace. These skills are setting me up to further the kingdom of God, not just to succeed in school for my own good or to go on outreaches and “do good.” It’s why we’ve been placed on this planet.
So what am I doing now?
I am staff with YWAM Ships Kona and, in God’s sovereignty, He has placed me in the medical office. I get to communicate with medical professionals; doctors, nurses, dentists, and surgeons from all over the world about our Ships in Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.
I explain to them how we bring medical care to the isolated as well as the hope and good news of Jesus Christ.
My heart is full of joy being placed in this role because a lot of doctors don’t get to have the experience of working behind the scenes. Jesus is showing me how all of this connects to the larger picture of bringing the good news to all four corners of the Earth.
I wouldn’t have the compassion and the heart for medical missions that I do now if I didn’t take that step with YWAM.

Our calling is to follow Jesus.
Our calling is to fall radically in love with Him.
Our calling is to tell others about Him.
If you struggle with any of the three statements above, I would recommend praying about taking a step with YWAM. The DTS is an amazing six-month course that helps you achieve those statements confidently. You get to learn and then you get to go to the nations.
Whether you want to work with coffee, be a nurse or even a personal trainer, I encourage you to pray about YWAM. It could be the launching pad to set you up for success with your future ministry.
YWAM isn’t my calling but it is my current step and I am so thankful for that. I will be fully prepared to finish medical school when that time comes and with Jesus by my side.
Kendall FlowersPort YWAM Kona Staff
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