God has a way of having the best timing for everything.
Sometimes it can feels as if He’s saying, “Go Here” while other times it’s, “Just Wait.” Changing Focus Ministries, in partnerShip with YWAM Ships Kona, had this very thing happen to them when they prayed about going to an outer island for Christmas.
“We were praying about where to go for our next trip and felt God leading us to Lae Atoll. It’s a smaller Atoll in the Marshall Islands; with only 20 islands and a population of 274 people.”

After receiving 40 bags of goods from their friends on Kwajalein, another Atoll in the Marshall Islands, that included clothing, toys, and kitchenware, the crew felt a lot like Santa Clause. Everything fell into place and they left for a 10 day trip for Lae. The sail on the yacht, the Cloud Nine, was a bit bumpy, but they arrived in Lae in less than 24 hours. They arrived before Christmas and were welcomed with open arms and smiles.
“We were able to do many different aspects of ministry in Lae including a medical clinic where we performed wound care and gave out reading glasses, gift distributions of our packages we brought and food, health training, showing the Jesus film, kids programs and more.
It was amazing to see the kid’s play with the toys they were given and to share them freely with one another, switching toys often so they all could play with something different.”

One of the best things the crew were blessed to do was deliver Marshallese Bibles to every household on the Atoll.
With the distribution of the Bibles, the crew likes to take Bibles from house to house as well as pray for the families. This can be challenging if there are several churches represented on an island and especially if they do not believe the same things the crew does.
As they delivered the Bibles, they had the opportunity to meet with people they otherwise wouldn’t have because of the church they belong to. Several made commitments to follow Christ as their personal savior.
This is the best part of their ministry!
The timing of the crew’s visit felt like God had planned it because of the opportunities that became evident with sharing the gospel and how lives were changed because of it.

“We love being able to be part of God’s plan to impact a community with the word of God, no matter how small the population. We believe every island in the Marshall Islands deserves to be blessed by receiving the Bible in their written tongue…”
The Suderno Family
Changing Focus Ministries
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