Does God have your full yes?
God is more concerned with our sanctification in this life than we are. He is willing to lead us to uncomfortable situations, without telling us why, most of the time.
For all the promises of God find their Yes in Him. That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory. And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and given us His spirit in our hearts as a guarantee. – 2 Corinthians 1:20-22.
Too often when we make plans for our day, week, month, year, and sometimes life, we write it in pen instead of pencil. When we put it in pencil, it’s easier to have God erase it and rewrite it and it’s typically a lot less painful.
When it’s written in pen, we don’t think of crossing it out and having to rewrite it because we feel it’s there to stay.

So what is this “it” in your life? Maybe it’s a relationship, a career, college, or even a move. Making plans aren’t a bad thing but what’s terrifying is, not allowing God to come in and change them.
We hold on so dear to the very thing God wants to be a part of in our lives that we miss out on the fullness of doing life with Him when we don’t allow Him to come and change things.
Often, we see and hear stories of people doing radical things for God after hearing a word of the Lord; whether it’s starting a church, going on a mission trip with absolutely no money and seeing the Lord provide, moving across the country and starting a business that leads tons of people to Christ, or even adopting children from different countries.
The excitement builds in us and we are so eager to shout, “Yes, that’s my God!” But how many of us long to live that radical life with God?

It doesn’t have to look crazy for it to be Kingdom building. It can be starting a small group at your job and inviting co-workers into your home or to a local coffee shop to get to know each other’s passions and study the Bible. Kingdom building can also look like ministering to family members in seasons of difficulty.
The specific things God calls us to are His best, even when we don’t understand it. All we need to do is trust and obey. When you wake up in the morning, say yes to God no matter what you feel, what your bank statement says, your job description, or your fear of man.
Our yes does not come with His why for us. He already gave it when Jesus was nailed to the cross. We need to not have an “on the fence” mentality, which makes it easy for us to step back into our own comfortability.
Saying yes to God is exciting. It gives us stories to share with others about how relational our God truly is. His very nature is good and He desires to give His children good gifts which comes through a relationship with Him.
As a church, let us break open the box we’ve put Him in and let’s let Him decide how He wants to use us to further His Kingdom each and every day, not just on Sunday.

We must give God a radical yes in our hearts.
Life’s a crazy rollercoaster when we allow Him to do wild things in our lives. We won’t see the full reason why but God sees and knows how our yes will affect the world for the better. It isn’t our responsibility to have all the details figured out.
So, let’s challenge our minds and hearts to know how good He is and move forward with a yes in our hearts for Him. Write your 2019 in pencil and allow your obedience to start with a yes.
After all, simple obedience changes history.
Kendall Flowers
Port YWAM Kona Staff
Want help saying YES? Contact us. We’d love to chat!
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