We were in Lae, Papua New Guinea when God showed up in miraculous ways. Everywhere we went, we witnessed the Holy Spirit bringing a mass of healings! We had opportunities to preach and pray in prisons, open airs, the masses in the marketplace, and patients in the hospital.

In the prison, Jeff and Trice, our volunteer staff and student, began praying for healing after preaching in their section of the prison. Men came forward with back pains, headaches, and more. Each man who received prayer was healed!

Our team continued praying over people the next day in the marketplace after they preached an open-air to the masses. 

One by one, people began to bring their pains and sicknesses to our team. Another time of healing broke out from the Holy Spirit as we prayed!

A man who asked me for prayer reported that he had chronic and severe pain in his right ear. He was unable to sleep well and hear due to the pain. In faith, I asked the man if I could lay my hand over his ear and pray. 

The man immediately agreed. As I laid my hand over his ear, he put his hand on top of mine and closed his eyes tightly. I prayed a simple prayer; something along the lines of, “Lord, I ask you to heal this man whom you love. In the name of Jesus Christ may he be healed.” 

The Lord doesn’t need a long eloquent prayer to move in mighty ways. All He needs is your obedience and faith as you call upon His name. As I opened my eyes, the man was smiling.

I asked, “Do you have pain?”
He replied, “No!”

“No pain at all?”
“No!” was his answer.

“The pain is completely gone??”

“Praise be to Jesus Christ who has healed you!”

Another man in the market, who Jeff prayed for, had pain in his stomach for 25 years. He was healed of all pain that day! 

In the hospital, our student, Glory began praying for women who had complications after giving birth and about 15-20 women were healed there.

The Bible tells us in Mark 16 that in Jesus’s name we will pray for the sick and they will be healed! In John 14, Jesus tells us that we will do the works that He has done and even greater works now that He has gone to be with the Father in heaven. In faith, our team began to pray and Jesus began healing the sick through our prayers! All of the people were filled with hope and joy! All of them had a life-changing encounter with God through these healings. 

Ultimately, God wants a relationship with us. He reveals himself in these ways to bring glory to Himself and to bring us all into a closer relationship with Him. 

This week God allowed us to play a part in bringing people closer to His heart through healings. This did not happen because of our own greatness or our abundance of faith. This happened because of the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s love for His people. What we brought to the table was but a mustard seed of faith and obedience.

Are you willing to step out today on a mustard seed of faith and obedience? Ask yourself today, where is the Holy Spirit guiding me?

Emily West
PNG DTS Team Co-Leader

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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