Every Monday we go out to the village to preach the gospel with our friend Jen and so far we have seen about 15 people come to Jesus. 

God is doing so much out here and it’s such a privilege to be a part of it. One week as we were prayer walking, looking for someone to share with, we came upon a house with a women standing out front. 

It seemed like she was waiting for us even though we hadn’t ever talked to her before. As we began to speak with her, the women broke down into tears, sharing her brokenness with us. We knew God was going to do something big. 

She invited us into her home and introduced us to her adult son and his daughter. Her son had been hit by a car, causing him brain damage which has led him to abuse his daughter. 

The more we listened to this woman, the more the Holy Spirit was stirring our hearts. Owen and Lucas, our team members, began to share what God had done in their lives. Some of the girls on our team were praying and playing with the woman’s granddaughter. 

As the guys were preaching, the son was drunk and wanted to go outside. Brandon followed him out. While they sat outside, Brandon stared to pray in tongues. The drunk man began to respond in Khmer (the local language) to what Brandon was praying. 

The lady decided she wanted to know God and the team prayed for her to receive the Holy Spirit. We gave her a Bible SD card with the Jesus film on it and she was very excited about it.

Since then, we have visited a few times and God is so faithful to what He said He would do. We are seeing transformations happen in the mom, her son and his daughter.  We will continue to visit and do bible studies with them. 

The harvest is so ripe here in Cambodia. People are turning from Buddhism and running after Jesus.

YWAM Ships Kona Team Cambodia

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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