The Voice for the Voiceless Discipleship Training School (V4V DTS) volunteered with YWAM Ships Kona’s medical vessel, the Pacific Link for three weeks, to support staff in medical clinics and distribute water filters.
During some of the evenings, we had the opportunity to share the Jesus film. One night, we walked on a log, over the water with the projector, Jesus Film SD card, loud speaker and skit props. We set up the equipment while people from the surrounding village filtered in the community building.
About 300 Papua New Guineans sat on the concrete floor and under a metal roof, to watch us perform a skit about how the entanglement of lies keeps us from achieving our dreams and passions; to listen to, two team members speak about redemption and faith; and to watch the Jesus Film, so full of mercy and grace. When the film finished, some of the team members prayed for those who stayed behind.
The V4V DTS team was blessed by the humility and love of the Papua New Guineans.
Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!
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