Our WaveMakers are the lifeline of YWAM Ships Kona.
When you partner with us as a WaveMaker and give every month, your monthly donation will help the m/v YWAM Liberty sail across the massive area of the South Pacific. You personally will send Christ’s healing and the Gospel to 1,000 otherwise unreachable islands.
Your loving gift of just $33 every month will help provide healing in Jesus’ name for a despairing person in these islands who is suffering from treatable medical issues. If you choose to give $66, you’ll bless two patients in desperate need. For just $99 per month, you’ll provide life-changing treatments like cataract surgery and dental extractions for three hurting people who may never receive the medical care they need any other way!
Even more exciting, your faithful WaveMaker support will help translate the Bible and the Jesus Film into native languages and share the Gospel with thousands of men, women, and children in the vast Pacific island region of the globe.
Become a WaveMaker today, and we’ll also send you a beautiful Micronesian shell ornament handmade by Pacific islanders as our way of saying thank you. Let’s send life-changing medical cures and the Gospel of Jesus to 1,000 Pacific islands!